See Singapore Citizens Addiction Rate to Gadgets

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See Singapore Citizens Addiction Rate to Gadgets

More than half of the population of Singapore said he could not be separated from the smartphone even if it was for only one day. At least the State of Digital Lifestyle reports from Limelight Networks. In addition to Singapore, the research involved respondents from nine countries who will ask for their interactions with digital media and technological influences for their lives. 

As a result, as many as 83 percent of Singaporeans think that digital technology has a positive impact on their lives. The most influential first device for Singaporeans is a smartphone, in which 58 percent of Singaporeans claim to be highly addicted to the device. 

Desktop and laptop computers become the second most favorite device, in which 36 percent of citizens can not get out of the device even just a day. While for digital assistant devices, such as Amazon Echo and Google Home, newly owned 14 percent of Singaporeans. Of these, only 35 percent of digital assistant owners are completely confident to get the information provided, such as weather, news and research. While a third or 28 percent, more trust in digital assistants for online shopping and only 24 percent who entrust the device to home automation. 

The high level of consumption of digital technology in Singapore is coupled with the awareness of a high level of security as well. Globally, Singaporeans are focused on security and potential hacking in digital assistant devices by 51 percent. Followed by the level of security device awareness, 42 percent of home automation products, as well as health and exercise tracking devices with 30 percent vigilance levels. High digital consumption also affects the media in the entertainment sector. As many as 48 percent of Singaporeans prefer to listen to music through streaming. 

While for streaming movies and television shows more popular that is 64 percent. The percentage is greater than any country in Asia. They did not hesitate to pay to be able to enjoy the entertainment.

In contrast to the consumption of streaming movies and television shows, Singaporeans are quite reluctant to pay more to download or stream other digital content. "Consumers are becoming more dependent on digital technology in both personal and professional life for information, entertainment, and improving everyday confidence," explained regional director of Limelight Networks, Jaheer Abbas, as KompasTekno from Telecom Asia, Wednesday (4/7/2018) . 

He added that if the number of digital access options and the high dependence on the information they get from the device, to increase consumer expectations in Singapore.
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