What Health Tests need to be prepared before marriage?

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What Health Tests need to be prepared before marriage?

When we have found a life partner later on, a wedding design is created. From financial preparation, home, to health problems. Pre-marital health screening or premarital screening , is now beginning to be encouraged in several countries. The goal is simple, producing better generations of successors. Although these health problems seem trivial, pre-marital testing is very necessary for prospective brides who will continue to marriage. Health tests are important and greatly affect the future of your offspring and marriages. You do not want it if the child is conceived defective just because you forget to do medical tests and vaccinations that should be preventable since before marriage.

When is the medical test performed?

Pre-marital health examination 6-9 months before marriage. If you will get married in the near future, less than 6 months, you can still do the examination. You can decide or plan offspring as possible after marriage. Time 6 months is relatively long, it is caused there are some diseases that require that time in preventing disease appear.

What are some checks to do?

1. General physical examination and complete lab tests

What are the contents of the general physical examination? Starting from the initial vital signs, such as blood pressure, pulse, breathing, to temperature. From here will be seen what the talents of this potential partner. From blood pressure we can see whether there is a tendency of one partner or both to become hypertension. Because in pregnancy own hypertension is one of the risk factors of maternal and fetal death. Then, complete lab tests. In general, complete lab tests consist of Blood Complete, including blood type and resus, Blood Glucose Level, Liver Function, Kidney Function, to complete urine. This examination is very important if one partner for example has a history of diabetes mellitus or anemia. So with the examination we can do early prevention. 

2. Test the potential of hereditary diseases

Indeed, hereditary disease is sometimes unavoidable, such as thalassemia, haemophilia or a family history of cancer. However, knowing the potential of the disease makes us more mature in the face and more able to accept our partner if the disease is suffered by the child. And some hereditary diseases today are also beginning to be prevented. Like the potential of breast cancer that can be prevented by doing regular screening. Examination of clotting factors and tumor markers in prospective couples who have hereditary disease are also required for early detection. 

3. Inspection of infectious diseases

Infectious diseases such as, HIV, TORCH, syphilis, Hepatitis B and C also currently rampant suffered by the community. Diseases like this can cause miscarriage, congenital abnormalities in the baby and premature birth. And by detecting the beginning of the disease we can prevent our offspring suffer the same thing. HBsAg examination for hepatitis B and C, HIV, and VDRL / RPR for syphilis is better done to prevent further transmission to the baby. Some diseases even have vaccines that can be given before marriage to prevent transmission of post-marital illness.

4. Examination of fertility 

Do not think fertility checks are only necessary for women. Men also need to do a sperm analysis to see if there are abnormalities in the sperm that will fertilize the ovum later. Examination in women includes hormonal tests, ovulation tests, to ultrasound. Hormonal tests can usually be thyroid hormones because these hormones also affect a woman's fertility. The ovulation test is a blood test to measure hormone levels to determine whether you ovulate and can produce eggs regularly. Ultrasonography or ultrasonography can detect abnormalities of female reproductive organs. From there can be seen anatomically the position of the uterus and ovaries. 

5. Allergy and autoimmune tests

Some might wonder why after having children, the born child is often sickly. Allergy and autoimmune tests are also important because the tendency to be passed on to a child is huge. Like asthma, certain food or drug allergies, allergic demythesis, arthritis, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) and others are unavoidable, but there are treatments that can prevent it from worsening. 

What if the result is problematic?

Pre-marital health tests do not always give good results. However, it does not make marriage impossible. You can still get married as long as both parties can accept each other and be ready with all the consequences. Of course it will cost and time, but with mental and financial readiness early on will be better. If indeed you have not been able to accept it, you can pre-marital or postpone counseling until both are ready. Precisely with the examination of our health so to see someone whether it is sincere love us or only from the best side only. 

Not too bad things that can not be passed. Keep mentally and physically prepared before marriage. Do not make premarital screening as a scary thing, but consider as an early detection of disease. For no one is too healthy and perfect in this world.

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